Water is life, and in the form of steam, it is healing like no other.

What is Peri-steaming?

Peri-steaming is a regular practice that many cultures have done throughout history. It requires you to sit, or squat, over a pot of steaming water that is of a soothing temperature, to steam your perineum (root chakra). Adding herbs will enhance the steam's effectiveness, when chosen wisely. It is beneficial to steam a minimum of once a week. Steaming while sitting on a cedar seat increases the olfactory sensations, as the cedar releases its oils during the steam.

I support both men and women to steam regularly for health benefits. There is much focus on steaming for women (which I wholeheartedly support!), but this practice is beneficial for men too. Common terms are: V-steam, v steaming, Yoni steam, yoni steaming, vaginal steam, peri-steam, & A-steam. ​You can make your own steam seat or purchase one. Please see my designs for sale under "Products." ​

Got your steam on?

Steaming can help:
Heal hemorrhoids; clear infections; kill intestinal worms; correct digestive issues; reduce the effect of kidney stones, rheumatism, arthritis and gout; ease: fatigue, headaches, abdominal discomfort and nausea, as it soothes and strengthens the nervous system.

Steaming has helped many women: Regulate menstrual cycle; restore an absent cycle; clear blood clots, reduce symptoms of bloating, cramping, and pain during menstruation; increase fertility; clear uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis; relieve pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, and vaginal dryness; release trauma; find emotional healing and re connection to the inner being; in postpartum healing; relieve excess heat during menopause

Steaming has helped men with: Stimulating the production of hormones to maintain prostate health; reducing an enlarged prostate, thereby producing better urine stream. Steaming also helps ageing men to reach the same firmness they had when they were younger, and maintain it throughout their lovemaking.

Steaming is such a great healing tool. But, never steam when:  pregnant, or are trying to get pregnant and have been inseminated,  when there is fresh blood (menses or spotting), or if you have 2 periods per month. 

What I offer

Initial Consultation and Steam - The consultation will help you to understand the length and type of steam, and the best herbs for your use. I will then demonstrate how to set up a steam, and lastly, you will enjoy the relaxing and energetic clearing benefits of a 10 minute steam in my studio. ​

30 minutes - $66

I also offer 2 types of steaming apparatuses - see my products page.



"I just had my first Yoni steam session this morning. I found it to be very calming and gave me an inner warmth I hadn't felt before. I was also able to release some old emotional baggage with regards to my children. I am definitely looking forward to trying it again, because I know it's something that will be very beneficial for me." J. Aden.

"Linda goes above and beyond to help her clients and friends feel comfortable and knowledgeable about the Mula Steam Box. After my session I felt so refreshed and renewed. That 10 minute steam got me back on track and I was grounded and rejuvenated." J. Lamont

"I absolutely LOVE my Mula Steam Box! For me the healing art of vaginal steaming has been one of the most energetically cleansing experiences I have ever had, not to mention all of the health benefits. This box is also well designed for your comfort during your steam. Trust me you definitely want to experience this! A.M.

"Using the Mula steam box is a very gentle but powerful steam. I love it! It is extremely relaxing. There is nothing like this to activate the root chakra and feel completely grounded and connected! I love that it is a comfortable seat. Also it is made from cedar not plastic!! I highly recommend that everyone have one of these in their home!" L.K. ​